

Reblog: How to make your comments-icon a link

Thanks Likest thou jelly within thy doughnut?! This is going on my Booklikes To Do List!





I often find myself wanting to click on the comment-icon under a post to get to the comments but always forget that I should scroll up and click on the post title instead.



So I figured I'll make my comments clickable. 


For that I edited the HTML of my template (Dashboard -> Settings -> Blog -> Customize -> EDIT Html, I'm sure most of you know their way to get there already)


Find this line: 



(should be in line #248 for theme #2) 


As you can see the icons for Favorite and Reblog are right above it. 


So I simply added this to the line: 



saved my HTML and refreshed my BookLikes blog. Now my icon for the comments is clickable and takes me to the single post as well. 




Likest thou jelly within thy doughnut?'s Original Post

Reblogged from Likest thou jelly within thy doughnut?