

Changing fonts in a post.

If it is one of the "browser safe" fonts(list) I believe you can just do this:


I'll use Tahoma for this example.


"Someday, I'm going to meet some supernatural creature who tells me everything I should know up front and in a forthright manner - but I'm not going to hold my breath." - Patricia Briggs (River Marked)


Here is what is going on in my HTML code:



If you want to use Google Fonts you need to add the bit of code they give you to your blog HTML.


I'll use Electrolize for this example.


First, I took this code Google Fonts gave me:


and put it right bellow the < head > tag in my Blog HTML:




Now it's possible to use Electrolize as a font-family:


"Someday, I'm going to meet some supernatural creature who tells me everything I should know up front and in a forthright manner - but I'm not going to hold my breath." - Patricia Briggs (River Marked)


Here's what's in the HTML:


Don't forget to capitalize the font name. 


I hope this is understandable. :)